"Barry, we’re one and the same. I believe it was Henry Kissinger who said that power is the ultimate aphro-american ..."
“Do I have to give this back after inauguration?”
“What would Leo Strauss say about a pre-emptive war against Greenland?”
Timothée Chalamet is in acute danger of becoming more of a verb than a noun
“May it please the court, My client, Mr. Diddy, would prefer Sriracha, fried onions and avocado mayo on his daily prison bologna sandwich.”
“But, seriously, Hillary — Kamala Harris has legs for days.”
“Where am I? And who are these people?”
“Come on, Melania. There’s an extra 50 large in it for you if you actually smile. In addition to what I negotiated with your legal advisor.”
“Yes, indeed. You do have to give back the award now that Trump is President-elect. Your compliance, however, will be duly noted when the new regime takes power.”
“Just saying: If only one of you bold Americans only had the courage to do it, and do it humanely, imagine how much back-bacon could be produced off that man for the hungry and destitute.”